Learning Power Words
Across our Federation we develop children’s skills in key areas, using The Six Strands approach. These focus on our Learning Power Words – see below
The children are familiar with their Learning Power Word Target Wall – click for more infomation and to see our Early Years Target Wall (Year R)
and click here to see more information and our Key Stage 1 Target Wall (Year 1 and Year 2)
Wallisdean Infant School – Learning Power Words
I am responsible for my own learning and behaviour. I keep control of myself and do not blame others when things do not go my way. I respect other people’s personal space and feelings.
I keep on smiling, even when things do not go right for me. I see problems as a challenge, rather than something to be feared. I have learned strategies to help me cope when things are tough and accept the consequences of the choices I make.
I know what is important and focus on what I need to do in my learning and behaviour. I work independently and follow instructions from adults. I share my ideas and opinions with others in a respectful way.
I show respect to my school, the environment and people’s belongings. I am respectful towards children and adults. I show this by speaking politely and always doing what adults ask me to do. I think about other people’s feelings and treat them how I would like to be treated.
I understand that it is OK to feel strong emotions, but it is how I deal with them that is important. I do my best to find a way to think through problems calmly. I do what adults ask me to do and accept their decisions.
I take pride in myself – in my attitude, my learning and my behaviour. I am aware of my talents and achievements, as well as the things I am not so good at yet. I recognise when I need help and accept support offered.