Our School Day
Our School Day : 8.45am – 3.15pm Monday to Friday – 32.5 hrs per week, term time only
Registration begins at 8.45am. Prior to this time children on the school grounds are under their parents’/carers’ supervision.
8.45 am – 12.15 pm | School day officially starts at 8.45am. Registration closes at 9.00am, the morning session finishes at 12.15pm
(NB Year R start their lunch at 12.00pm) |
11.00am – 11.15am | Morning beak – an opportunity to play and to eat a fruit snack provided by the school through the Government’s Free Fruit for Schools Scheme and milk (if pre-ordered through the Cool Milk system). |
12.15pm | Lunchtime – children have a choice of a FREE school dinner (cooked on the premises) or you may provide your child with their own healthy packed lunch from home. |
1.15pm | Start of the afternoon session. |
Optional afternoon break (depending on classroom activities) | |
3.15pm | End of the Infant School day. |
Pease inform the school as early as possible when your child is absent – please telephone the school office (01329 280827) by 9.15 am and leave a message on the answer phone.
Please let us know in advance if you will be collecting your child during the day for an appointment, eg doctor, dentist, hospital etc. Come to the school office and staff will bring your child to you and sign them off the premises. We encourage medical appointments to be towards the end of the day please as this causes less disruption to your child’s learning.
We will only allow children to leave the premises with an authorised adult (ie over 18 years old). If your child is to go home with an adult other than yourself (or their regular collector) please inform the school office.
If it is likely that you will be late collecting your child at the end of the afternoon, please telephone the school so that we can arrange supervision for your child until you arrive (01329 280827).