E-Safety for Parents

There is a real and growing concern about young people believing it is ok to share inappropriate images online, this could lead to them becoming vulnerable to potential exploitation, blackmail and harm from a young age and leaving a lasting digital footprint  Think Before You Send    .

Stay Safe over the Summer EdTech guide   and Reminders of how to stay safe online (how many tips can you spot?)

Parent Guide to combat online bullying      .

Respect online

10 Top Tips Respect online Inspiring Children

Internet Matters   for parents of 0-5yr olds

Virtual Reality Headsets – NSPCC advice  .

E-Safety Federation Newsletter Infant Page Autumn 2023 .

E-Safety Federation Newsletter Summer 2023  .

E-Safety Federation Newsletter Spring 2023

E-Safety Federation Newsletter Autumn 2021

E-Safety Federation Newsletter Spring 2021

E-Safety Federation Newsletter Summer 2021

10 Ways You Can Share Kindness OnLine

On-Line Safety Tips for Children with New Devices

Think You KnowCEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)

Safe and Healthy Habits Online  .

Parent Guide – Sharing Photos Online .

What Parents Need to Know About Age Ratings

What Parents Need to Know About Protecting Personal Data

Parental Controls For Apps On iPhones

Parental Controls For Apps On Android Phones

Be Internet Legends Family Pledge


Internet Matters Gaming Guide to support young people

Family Activity Sheet Gaming

Roblox Parent Guide

Internet Matters Misinformation Infographic

Whatsap Microsoft TeamsZoom  What to trust online   

Digital Parenting by Vodaphone

TokTok – What parents need to know

Xbox Series X/S – What parents need to know

Internet Matters – Guide for parents 6 – 10 year olds

Internet Matters – Guide for parents 11 – 13 year olds

FIFA – Parents’ Guide

What Parents And Carers Need To Know About Spotify

What Parents And Carers Need To Know About Ipads

What Parents and Carers Need To Know About WhatsApp

Manage Devices, Stress and Anxiety 

ROBLOX (age rated 7yrs +)- Parent’s Guide