Teaching and Curriculum
In our Recovery Curriculum, we are aiming to identify gaps from the previous year’s learning, whilst at the same time ensuring the current year group expectations are provided.
We will do this through:
- ensuring that children’s mental health, wellbeing and social/emotional needs are identified and met
- flexible and adaptive feedback, assessment and teaching
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training for all staff to prepare for and deliver the Recovery Curriculum
- our provision for blended learning, where children receive appropriate work during any periods of self-isolation or local lockdown
Our Curriculum:
Our curriculum is organised into stimulating and engaging topics.
Each half term the children experience something exciting and motivating to hook them into their learning. This ignites their passion to explore and learn.
Each topic leads the children to a final outcome, which not only provides a purpose for their learning, but showcases their achievements. Parents are often invited to these final outcome events to share in their children’s successes and to witness first hand their increasing confidence and independence.
English Intent Statement:
Our intention in English is for pupils to have access to a wide range of high-quality texts that inspire their reading and writing. Pupils are taught practical skills in reading and writing through the use of engaging fiction, non-fiction and poetry. During lessons, pupils will develop their language and vocabulary skills by taking part in rich discussions. Grammar and punctuation are taught within the context of our text drivers to ensure practical application. Writing outcomes are purposeful and targeted towards an audience to ensure that the pupils are passionate and engaged in their writing. Ongoing assessment and excellent transition are used to ensure early intervention so that all pupils can be successful in reading and writing. In many cases, our English curriculum is linked to our topics. This ensures that pupils are engaged in their learning and will be able to use their skills across the curriculum. Pupils are encouraged to read for pleasure and read widely. They are able to access two libraries as well as a well-stocked selection of books from our book band scheme.
Maths Intent Statement:
At Wallisdean Junior School we foster positive attitudes to maths and aim for the pupils to become resilient, curious and enthusiastic mathematicians, producing lifelong learners of maths. The maths curriculum provides pupils with the opportunity to develop their mathematical talk, fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. Pupils are encouraged to develop their memory and recall of knowledge and facts including times-tables, by regularly practising these skills in different ways and improving their confidence, fluency and accuracy. Maths learning is built on prior learning and ensures that mathematical vocabulary, knowledge and skills are progressively developed and extended and that there is challenge for all. Pupils are provided with opportunities to confidently apply their mathematical knowledge and understanding in a variety of contexts and to make links between maths and the real world.